John F Kennedy High School Is What Term Type


  • Important Covid-19 Annoucement

    The deadline for students to upload their Covid-19 Vaccination Status is Jan. 3

    All students must be fully vaccinated to attend Kennedy High School. Proof of vaccination must be uploaded to the PowerSchool website. Students who are not vaccinated will be required to attend distance learning

    Select the link below with step-by-step instructions on how to upload your student's vaccination card.

    Instructions to Upload Vaccination Card

    Anuncio importante de Covid-19

    La fecha límite para que los estudiantes carguen su estado de vacunación Covid-19 es el 3 de enero.

    Todos los estudiantes deben estar completamente vacunados para asistir a Kennedy High School. La prueba de vacunación debe cargarse en el sitio web de PowerSchool. Los estudiantes que no estén vacunados deberán asistir a programas de educación a distancia.

  • Community Meeting

    Join us for the second community engagement meeting to hear a presentation from the architects who will be designing the new Kennedy High School building.

    Date: Tuesday, December 7
    Location: Kennedy High School 4300 Cutting Blvd. Richmond, 94804. The Kennedy High Library
    Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

    All parents, students, educators and staff of Kennedy High School and the school communities of Coronado, Grant, King, Lincoln, Michelle Obama, Nystrom, Stege, Washington and DeJean are welcomed to attend.

    This meeting is the next step in a process that will conclude in June. By June, the architects will have created the plans for the physical re-design of Kennedy High.

    Attendees must have proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID test to engage in this meeting.

    Update: this meeting will be video recorded and posted on the WCCUSD website, along with meeting materials, so anyone who is unable to attend in-person can still participate.

    Únase a nosotros en la segunda reunión de participación comunitaria para escuchar una presentación de los arquitectos que diseñarán el nuevo edificio de la escuela secundaria Kennedy.

    Fecha: martes 7 de diciembre
    Ubicación: Kennedy High School 4300 Cutting Blvd. Richmond, 94804. La Biblioteca Kennedy High
    Hora: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 pm.

    Todos los padres, estudiantes, educadores y personal de Kennedy High School y las comunidades escolares de Coronado, Grant, King, Lincoln, Michelle Obama, Nystrom, Stege, Washington y DeJean están invitados a asistir.

    Esta reunión es el siguiente paso en un proceso que concluirá en junio. Para junio, los arquitectos habrán creado los planes para el rediseño físico de Kennedy High.

    Los asistentes deben tener prueba de vacunación o una prueba COVID negativa reciente para participar en esta reunión.

    Actualización: esta reunión se grabará en video y se publicará en el sitio web de WCCUSD, junto con los materiales de la reunión, para que cualquier persona que no pueda asistir en persona aún pueda participar.


  • WCCUSD Meeting: The Rebuilding of Kennedy High School

    The community is welcome to come and offer input on the rebuilding of Kennedy High School. The school is proposed to be rebuilt next year and the district would like to know your opinion about what students and the community need.

    Date: Thursday, Nov. 18th

    Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m.

    Location: Kennedy High School, Main Courtyard (The K)

    Proof of vaccination or negative COVID test required.

    Reunión de WCCUSD: La reconstrucción de la escuela secundaria Kennedy

    La comunidad puede venir y ofrecer su opinión sobre la reconstrucción de la escuela secundaria Kennedy. Se propone reconstruir la escuela el próximo año y al distrito le gustaría conocer su opinión sobre lo que necesitan los estudiantes y la comunidad.

    Fecha: jueves 18 de noviembre

    Hora: 6: 30-8: 30 p.m.

    Ubicación: Kennedy High School, Main Courtyard (The K)

    Se requiere comprobante de vacunación o prueba COVID negativa.

  • The School Site Council will have our first meeting Thursday, October 7th at 6:00pm. Please join us using this link


    ID: 96643517498
    Passcode: Y512CHy3

Kennedy Highlights

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  • Introducing Principal Jarod Scott!


    Wel come to the 2020-21 school year.

    I am honored and excited to serve as Principal of Kennedy High School. It is with great pride and humility that I accept this tremendous opportunity and important responsibility. Through servant-leadership and with a spirit of collaboration, transparent communication, and trust, I begin this journey with Kennedy and the greater Richmond community. It is one of my highest priorities to engage, encourage and empower our scholars in preparing them for success in college and careers. We build on the school's rich history and proud tradition and Kennedy will become the first choice school for district students.

    I bring 20 years of experience and passion in teaching and learning and leading school transformation and turnaround in diverse urban schools. I graduated from Clark Atlanta University and Georgia State University, in Atlanta, GA and completed the National Institute for Urban School Leaders Program at Harvard. I remain committed to social justice, educational excellence, equity, and engagement. Most recently, I served as a Principal in Oakland, where we celebrated increased college and career readiness levels and improved graduation rates.

    My vision for Kennedy is to become a world-class high school centered on learning, leadership, and innovation that prepares all scholars for college, career and community success. As a community, we commit to the following:

    • We will celebrate diversity and cultivate the social and emotional needs of all students in a caring and safe environment.
    • We will focus on rigorous academics, relevant and meaningful learning experiences, and caring relationships.
    • We will work in partnership with students, staff, families and community stakeholders to engage, inspire, and empower all scholars.

    Finally, family and work-life balance are important to me. I have a beautiful family that is extremely supportive of my work; my wife Julie of 17 years and my son Anderson. You will see them around campus supporting our programs and, on the sidelines, cheering us on during athletic events. I look forward to your input, collaboration, and partnership.


    Jarod M. Scott, Principal

    Kennedy High School

District Highlights

  • School Safety 12/7/2021

    I want to inform you about an online threat through a social media post that has been circulating on social media and concerns a number of our high schools and middle schools.

  • It's Not Too Late to Get Vaccinated - 11/22/21

    In order to attend in-person instruction at any of our schools, all students 12 and older must be fully vaccinated before Monday, January 3, 2022. Based on our recommendations, students should have received their first COVID-19 dose by November 15 and their second dose by December 15.

  • Information on Student Medical Exemptions

    We want to share with you the current information on our District's student COVID-19 vaccine mandate and the medical exemption to the mandate.In order to attend in-person instruction at any of our schools, all students 12 and older must be fully vaccinated before Monday, January 3, 2022.

  • Upload Your Child's COVID-19 Vaccination Card in a Few Easy Steps

    The deadline to upload your child's COVID-19 vaccination card is coming up. All students who are participating in in-person learning after January 3, 2022, will need to be fully vaccinated. If you do not plan on having your child vaccinated, please let us know as well.

  • Community Message 11/12/21

    This week, we honored our military veterans who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Though we have several veteran heroes throughout the country, I want to personally recognize the outstanding military veterans in WCCUSD who have served our country, and now dedicate their lives to serving WCCUSD students.

John F Kennedy High School Is What Term Type


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